Meat Market 4

London Triathlon / Stockholm Marathon Training – Week 6

Monday: Rest Day
I had a meeting to attend in the evening so no swim session this evening. We did however, manage to make it to MEATMarket. I’ve been wanting to try this place out for yonks, but have always been put off by the long queues during the weekends. What’s so special about this place? Nothing really – they just sell dirty DIRTY burgers and fries.

Meat Market 1

Meat Market 2

Meat Market 3

Meat Market 4

I made a promise to myself to try to eat healthy dinners for the rest of the week. This philly cheese steak “burger” and fries were a bit much for a Monday (though it was pretty good)!

Tuesday: 40mins Steady Run
Decent Steady Run done at 3% incline, with speeds slowly increasing from 10.5km/hr to 13.0km/h.

My tasty homemade dinner today was Chinese “Quorn” noodle soup with Chinese lettuce and 3 ingredients banana pancakes.

Chinese Noodle Soup

Chinese Noodle Soup with quorn (instead of chicken) and chinese lettuce

3 ingredients banana pancakes

3 ingredients banana pancake batter

Wednesday: 800m swim
This was not a great swim by any stretch of the imagination. I had to switch lanes at one point as I was in the slow lane and slow swimmers actually started swimming in the lane. Then there were too many people in the middle and fast lanes so I decided to quit for a bit and soaked in the jacuzzi to wait for some swimmers to exit the pool. Once that happened, I continued swimming but my goggles kept fogging – not badly, but enough to be annoying. I decided to stop after 50 laps (800m) as I just wasn’t feeling it and called it a day.

My tasty homemade dinner today was lemon asparagus quinoa salad with tomatoes (quinoa used instead of couscous based on a recipe from here). I also added some mushrooms that we had in the fridge. No pictures because I ate it all before I remembered to take one. 😛

I also received a new race belt number holder with gel loops in the post today. It was bought with the London Triathlon in mind, but will come in handy for the Stockholm Marathon next week (eep!).

iRunner race number belt

Thursday: 45mins Tempo Run
Pretty good session consisting of 5 mins WU, then 3 intervals consisting of 8 mins @ 12.5km/h, 2 mins @ 6.5km/h. My last interval was done at a top speed at 13.0km/h.

My tasty homemade dinner today was stir fry broccoli with garlic in oyster sauce, topped with red chillis. Very good indeed. I love broccoli!

Friday: 16KM Long Run
As I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do any training this weekend (as I’m out of London), I snuck my Long Run in after work today. I decided to liven things up a little by doing 1KM at 11.0km/h followed by 1KM at 12.0km/h and repeating that. As the time went on however, my lower speed decreased to 10.5km/h but I managed to keep my top speed the same. It worked well by reducing the monotony of running on a treadmill. My final kilometer was done at 14.0km/h.

My tasty homemade dinner today was stir fry beansprouts, as well as scrambled eggs with mushrooms. Just the ticket after a decent long-ish run!

Saturday: Rest Day
In Cardiff, Wales!

Sunday: Rest Day
In Cardiff, Wales!

Previous weeks’ London Triathlon / Stockholm Marathon training
Week 1 // Week 2 // Week 3 // Week 4 // Week 5

Are you a fan of dirty burgers? – YES! Love ’em!
Do you tend to eat healthy, home-cooked meals for dinner on weeknights? – not always, it just depends on what time I get in from work / gym and what I have in the fridge!
Are you going somewhere this long weekend? – Cardiff, Wales. In more than 13 years of living in the UK, I have never made it across the border into Wales. It was about time!

4 thoughts on “London Triathlon / Stockholm Marathon Training – Week 6

    • Quorn is the brand name of a specific meat substitute product here in the UK. It is made out of some kind of fungus / mushroom (not sure which) but is marketed as a healthy alternative to meat. I quite like the taste of it! 🙂

  1. Nah. Not a burger-eater here, anyway….

    We do generally cook at home M-Th, if at all possible – or just buy back some small part of the meal (like, meat – which I don’t really like cooking), and make our own starch and rice. Great job generating lots of healthy home cooking all week – AND training! 🙂

    Hope you enjoyed your trip, and are getting ready for another big weekend coming up! 🙂

    [PS Friendly, but unsolicited, advice: Practice wearing the belt on one or two runs this week, just to make sure it fits and is comfy. It’d suck to start the marathon in it, only to find out (after 8 km) that it’s massively annoying. ;-)]

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